MFA Podcast with Petroinspect and Marine Fuels Services discussing issues around bunker sampling and how test results are interpreted

The MFA Podcast Ep. 6 Risk Management

No matter the size of a business, risk management controls have to be put in place and reviewed regularly. In this Podcast, the MFA talks with capSpire, one of our excellent Partner companies who are willing to support our members. Listen in as Anthony Mollet speaks...

MFA Podcast with Petroinspect and Marine Fuels Services discussing issues around bunker sampling and how test results are interpreted

The MFA Podcast Ep. 3 Cyber Security

The MFA speaks with Arx Alliance and the Marine Safety & Security Alliance to discuss the risks of cyber-crime. In the first Podcast on this topic, we consider potential exposure to bunker suppliers. Forthcoming Podcasts will delve deeper in to this topic and the...