An independent network of members.

Providing guidance and information through collaboration and with shared values

Creating new contacts and opportunities across the marine fuels industry

We Support

Marine Fuels Alliance supports your business through cooperation and knowledge sharing and by providing unique access to key resources for the benefit of its members. 

We Connect

Marine Fuels Alliance connects your business with stakeholders with shared aims in an international network underpinned by the values and strength of its membership.

We Promote

Marine Fuels Alliance promotes your business by enhancing the profile of local independent suppliers and leveraging their expertise, providing them a new platform in global markets.
MFA Newsletter Q4 2024

MFA Newsletter Q4 2024

Please see the Newsletter from Q4 2024 reviewing the excellent Bunker Workshop and Dinner. We outline the key feedback and planned work and resources to be delivered going froward in to 2025. Newsletter Q4 2024.pdf


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 If there is a resource you would like to contribute or if there is a specific area you would like support with, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

Founder Members
